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Antoine Sauré

Sauré, Antoine
Professeur agrégé
B.Sc. Eng. (University of Chile), B.Eng. (University of Chile), M.Sc. (University of Chile), Ph.D. (UBC)
DMS 6103
613-562-5800 poste 8838
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Notice biographique

M. Sauré a obtenu son doctorat en sciences de la gestion à l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique en 2012, sous la supervision du professeur Martin L. Puterman et du professeur Jonathan Patrick. Il a reçu sa maîtrise en sciences de la gestion des opérations et son diplôme professionnel en génie industriel de l'Université du Chili en 2002. M. Sauré a plus de 12 ans d'expérience de l'élaboration, de la mise en œuvre et de l'application de techniques avancées d'analyse pour les problèmes réels et à grande échelle liés aux affaires dans plusieurs industries. Il est un expert de la mise au point de techniques avancées de planification de la capacité et d'ordonnancement. M. Sauré a travaillé avec la British Columbia Cancer Agency sur de nombreux projets de gestion de rendez-vous des patients, ainsi que sur d'autres projets visant à fournir un accès en temps opportun à des soins d'oncologie de qualité. Il a auparavant donné plusieurs cours de premier cycle et de cycles supérieurs à Université de la Colombie-Britannique et à l'Université du Chili.


Les intérêts de M. Sauré en matière de recherche comprennent la modélisation et la prise de décisions avancées dans un contexte d'incertitude, ainsi que leurs applications aux problèmes à grande échelle dans les opérations de service, en particulier l'étude des problèmes liés à l'affectation des ressources en soins de santé et dans d'autres domaines. D'un point de vue méthodologique, ses recherches portent sur la mise au point de techniques avancées d'analyse pour les problèmes liés à l'affectation dynamique des ressources.

Publications au cours des 7 dernières années

Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture

  • Dehnoei, S., Sauré, A., Ozturk, O., Gardner, W., Pajera, K., Sheppard, R. and Patrick, J. 2024. A stochastic optimization approach for staff scheduling decisions at inpatient units. International Transactions in Operational Research, 31(3): 1762-1790.
  • Wenzel, A., Sauré, A., Cataldo, A., Rey, P.A. and Sánchez, C. 2024. An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach to Network-Based Scheduling of Chemotherapy Treatment Sessions. International Journal of Production Research, 62(12): 4314-4330.
  • Khorasanian, D., Patrick, J. and Sauré, A. 2024. Dynamic Home Care Routing and Scheduling Problem with Uncertain Number of Visits per Referral. Transportation Science, (In Press).
  • Cataldo, A., Rey, P.A. and Sauré, A. 2024. La revolución de la ciencia de datos y la inteligencia artificial en la medicina moderna. ARS MEDICA Revista de Ciencias Médicas, 49(1): 3-4.
  • Kamyabniya, A., Sauré, A., Salman, S., Benichou, N. and Patrick, J. 2024. Optimization Models for Disaster Response Operations: A Literature Review. OR Spectrum, (In Press).
  • Lyon, G., Cataldo, A., Angulo, G., Rey, P.A. and Sauré, A. 2023. A Column Generation Approach to Intraday Scheduling of Chemotherapy Patients. International Journal of Production Research, 61(7): 2231-2249.
  • Cataldo, A., Sufan, S., Lorca, A., Andresen, M., Sánchez, C. and Sauré, A. 2023. Multi-stage process for chemotherapy scheduling and effective capacity determination. International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(1): 151-180.
  • Babashov, V., Sauré, A., Ozturk, O. and Patrick, J. 2023. Setting Wait Time Targets in a Multi-Priority Patient Setting: An Inverse Optimization Approach. Production and Operations Management, 32(6): 1958-1974.
  • Coates, A., Chung, A.Q.H., Lessard, L., Grudniewicz, A., Espadero, C., Gheidar, Y., Da Silva, E., Sauré, A., King, J. and Fung-Kee-Fung, M. 2023. The use and role of digital technology in learning health systems: A scoping review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 178: 105196.
  • Kamyabniya, A., Noormohammadzadeh, Z., Sauré, A. and Patrick, J. 2021. A Robust Integrated Logistics Model for Age-Based Multi-Group Platelets in Disaster Relief Operations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 152: 102371.
  • Marquinez, J.T., Sauré, A., Cataldo, A. and Ferrer, J.C. 2021. Identifying Dynamic ICU Patient Admission, Transfer and Diversion Policies in a Public-Private Hospital Network. European Journal of Operational Research, 295(1): 306-320.
  • Kandakoglu, A., Sauré, A., Michalowski, W., Aquino, M., Graham, J. and McCormick, B. 2020. A Decision Support System for Home Dialysis Visit Scheduling and Nurse Routing. Decision Support Systems, 130: 113224.
  • Sauré, A., Begen, M. and Patrick, J. 2020. Dynamic Multi-Priority, Multi-Class Patient Scheduling with Stochastic Service Times. European Journal of Operational Research, 280(1): 254-265.
  • Bikker, I.A., Mes, M.R.K., Sauré, A. and Boucherie, R. 2020. Online Capacity Planning for Rehabilitation Treatments: An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 34(3): 381-405.
  • Liu, E., Ma, X., Weber, L., Tyldesley, S., Sauré, A. and Weber, R. 2019. Improving Patient Access to Chemotherapy through Enhanced Capacity Planning and Patient Scheduling. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 9(1): 1-13.
  • Lessard, L., Grudniewicz, A., Sauré, A., Szczotka, A., King, J. and Fung-Kee-Fung, M. 2019. The type and use of digital technology in learning health systems: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 9(5): e026204.
  • Cataldo, A., Ferrer, J.C., Rey, P.A. and Sauré, A. 2018. Design of a Single Window System for E-Government Services: The Chilean Case. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 14(2): 561-582.
  • Miranda, J., Rey, P.A., Sauré, A. and Weber, R. 2018. Metro Uses a Simulation-Optimization Approach to Improve Fare Collection Shift Scheduling. Interfaces, 48(6): 529-542.
  • Cataldo, A., Rey, P.A., Riesco, C. and Sauré, A. 2018. Problemas de Cutting Stock y Pricing para Productos Perecibles. Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas, 32: 5-28.

Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années

Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années
De-À Source Titre * ** Rôle Montant
2024-2028 IRSC Changing primary care capacity in Canada (4C): A cross-provincial mixed methods study to inform workforce planning R C Co-PI $ 1,041,430
2023-2027 The National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) Chile, Regular Grant Competition Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Improved Design of Public Policies regarding Medical Treatments R O Co-I $ 370,000
2021-2024 National Research Council of Canada (NRC), Small Teams Initiative Resilience and Adaptation to Climatic Extreme (RACE) Wildfires (Research initiative with a budget of $1,921,000 dollars) R G Co-I $ 75,000
2021 Telfer School of Management Research Grants (SMRG), Student Thesis Research Grant A Patient-Oriented Learning Cycle for Treatment Decision-Making (Raphaël Ménard-Grenier) R I Co-I $ 4,000
2020 Telfer School of Management Research Grants (SMRG), Student Thesis Research Grant A Stochastic Optimization Approach for Staff Scheduling Decisions at Inpatient Clinics (Sajjad Dehnoei) R I Co-I $ 4,000
2019-2022 The National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) Chile, Initiation Projects Design of Public Policies for a Public Health Network through Markov Decision Processes R O Co-I $ 143,500
2019-2020 Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Seed Funding Opportunity Long-Term Bed Management for Critical Care Patients R O Co-I $ 9,500
2019-2020 Telfer School of Management Research Grants (SMRG), Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Support Grant Home Health Care Scheduling and Routing (Danial Khorasanian) R I Co-I $ 30,000
2019 University of Ottawa, Interdisciplinary Research Group Funding Opportunity (IRGFO) – Stream 1 – Research Team Creation Adapting Digital Platforms to Drive Learning in Health Systems R I Co-I $ 9,940
2019 Telfer School of Management Research Grants (SMRG), Student Thesis Research Grant A General Design Methodology for Postpartum Nurse-Led Clinics (Jacqueline Novotny) R I Co-I $ 4,000
2018-2026 NSERC - Discovery Grants Program Approximate Dynamic Programming Methods for Dynamic Resource Allocation Problems in Health Care R C PI $ 229,500
2018-2019 University of Ottawa, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Dynamic Appointment Scheduling for New Patient Consults (Patrick Fillion) R I Co-I $ 1,500
2018 Telfer School of Management Research Grants (SMRG) – Team Grant Towards the Development of a Digital Platform for Learning Health Systems Innovation R I Co-I $ 19,995
2017-2018 Research Development Program 2017 (uOttawa) and Match RDP 2017 (Telfer) Improving Access to Quality Cancer Care through Optimized Oncologist Practice Patterns and Patient Appointment Scheduling R I PI $ 20,000
2016-2018 Telfer School of Management (start-up fund) Improving Access to Quality Cancer Care R I PI $ 20,000
A General Design Methodology for Postpartum Nurse-Led Clinics PI N/A


* But
C: Contrat de recherche | E: Subvention d'équipement | R : Subvention de recherche | S : Fonds de soutien | P : Subvention pédagogique | O : Autre | U : Inconnu

C : Conseils subventionnaires | G : Gouvernements | F : Fondations | I : Financement interne UO | O : Autre | U : Inconnu

PI = Chercheur(e) principal(e) | Co-I = Co-chercheur(e) | Co-PI = Co-Chercheur(e) principal(e)

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