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Executive MBA Master Class – Government Relations in Context: What to do about the P?

Date et heure

le 25 février 2021
de à (HNE)


Virtual Event
A zoom link will be sent to registered participants


Jennifer Hyland
613-562-5800 x 7487


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All of us have studied the strategy formulation process that includes a deep exploration of the organization’s operating environment. The “P’, in the well-known PESTLE framework, refers to “political”: the policy and regulatory context associated with a specific industry. In many situations, strategists assume the P as a given and try to fit the organization’s strategy to the existing context. But what if you could do something to shape the P?

Join us to hear the experiences of four experienced Government Relations professionals who represent four distinct types of entities that play in this space. In this session we will explore:

•           The work of a Government Relations professional.

•           The value of this role to the organization.

•           Practical examples of shaping policy.

•           Myths about lobbying.

•           Do you need to register as a lobbyist? Many people do the work of lobbying without knowing it.

This event is intended for alumni and current candidates of the Telfer Executive MBA program.

© 2024 École de gestion Telfer, Université d'Ottawa
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