The visit was an opportunity for the representatives from British, Slovenian, Austrian and Icelandic research councils to gain first-hand knowledge about Canada’s policies and practices in funding research with the aim of enhancing international research collaboration. Professor Daniel Lane, of the Telfer School of Management, led a seminar about the Ocean Management Research Network (OMRN), an interdisciplinary Joint Initiative project funded by SSHRC and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Oceans, Habitat and Species at Risk Sector).

Created in 2001, the OMRN is an interdisciplinary joint initiative of the University comprising more than 800 researchers, students, managers, community leaders, and agencies whose purpose is to promote and support sustainable use and to conserve Canada’s oceans and coasts through research, knowledge-sharing and capacity-building. Most of OMRN’s work is accomplished by building connections among academic researchers and students from all disciplines, government, industry, community groups, Aboriginal peoples as well as ocean-related organizations. Additional activities include providing an integrated approach on the humanities and social sciences: the legal or policy side of managing oceans, with links to the natural sciences, health sciences and other ocean-based disciplines, as well as focusing on translating research into policy, educational initiatives and student training.
For more information about the Ocean Management Research Network please visit: