Barbara Orser (Elle/Sa)

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La professeure Orser mène des recherches et des activités de sensibilisation axées sur l’entrepreneuriat et l’autonomisation économique des femmes. Elle a exercé des fonctions consultatives au sein de la délégation canadienne Women20 et du Groupe consultatif sur l’égalité des genres et le commerce (Affaires mondiales Canada), ainsi qu’au comité de rédaction de l’International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship et au conseil du Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Policy Research Group.
Barbara Orser a également présidé le Groupe de travail pour la croissance des entreprises appartenant à des femmes (de 2009 à 2011), un consortium canadien non partisan composé d’éminentes femmes d’affaires, d’organismes de services, d’universitaires et d’associations sectorielles. Avant son arrivée à l’École de gestion Telfer en 2005, elle a été professeure agrégée à l’Université Carleton et à l’Université Ryerson (aujourd’hui l’Université métropolitaine de Toronto) et gestionnaire de programme au Centre d’excellence pour l’avancement des femmes du Conference Board du Canada.
Domaines de recherche
Publications au cours des 7 dernières années
Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture
- Alakaleek, W., Cooper, S., Orser, B. and Harrison, R. 2024. Navigating gender and culture in constructing network ties: perceptions and behaviors of women founders in Jordanian digital businesses. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, (In Press).
- Peter, W. and Orser, B. 2024. Women entrepreneurs in rural Nigeria: formal versus informal credit schemes. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, (Accepted).
- Orser, B. and Elliott, C. 2022. A conceptual model and assessment criteria to inform gender-smart entrepreneurship education and training plus. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 37(3): 360-387.
- Orser, B. 2022. Building back better through feminist entrepreneurship policy. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship.
- Henry, C., Coleman, S., Orser, B. and Foss, L. 2022. Women’s Entrepreneurship Policy and Access to Finance in Different Countries: An institutional perspective. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 12(3).
- Orser, B., Liao, X., Riding, A.L., Duong, Q. and Catimel, J. 2021. Gender-responsive public procurement: strategies to support women-owned enterprises. Journal of Public Procurement, 21(3): 260-284.
- Henry, C., Coleman, C., Foss, L., Orser, B. and Brush, C.G. 2021. Richness in Diversity: Towards more contemporary research conceptualisations of women’s entrepreneurship. International Small Business Journal, 39(7): 609–618.
- Nitani, M., Riding, A.L. and Orser, B. 2020. Self-employment, gender, financial knowledge, and high-cost borrowing. Journal of Small Business Management, 58(4): 669-706.
- Orser, B., Coleman, S. and Li, Y. 2019. Progress or pinkwashing: Who benefits from digital women-focused capital funds? Small Business Economics, 55: 363–387.
- Orser, B.J., Riding, A.L. and Li, Y. 2019. Technology adoption and gender-inclusive entrepreneurship education and training. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship.
- Orser, B.J., Riding, A.L. and Weeks, J. 2019. The Efficacy of Gender-Based Federal Procurement Policies in the United States. Small Business Economics, 53(2): 491-515.
- Coleman, C., Henry, C., Orser, B.J., Foss, L. and Welter, F. 2018. Policy support for women entrepreneurs’ access to financial capital: A comparative analysis of Canada, Germany, Ireland, Norway and the U.S. Journal of Small Business Management.
- Orser, B.J. and Riding, A.L. 2018. The Influence of Gender on the Adoption of Technology among SMEs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 33(4): 514-531.
- OECD, Henry, C., Orser, B., Coleman, S., Potter, J. and Halabisky, D. Entrepreneurship Policies through a Gender Lens. Paris, France: OECD, 2021.
Chapitres de livres
- Orser, B., Bokhari, K. and Richard, T. “Canada” in Entrepreneurship Finance Policies. In OECD Studies on SMEs and Entrepreneurship. Paris, France: OECD, 2024, (Accepted).
- Orser, B. Strategies to Redress Entrepreneurship Gender Gaps in Canada Revisited. In Henry, C., Coleman, S., Lewis, K. and Foss, L.. Women’s Entrepreneurship Policy: A Global Perspective. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, (Accepted).
- Elliott, C. and Orser, B.J. Feminist entrepreneurial identity: Reproducing gender through strategic decision-making. In Brush, C.G. and Greene, P.. Research Agenda for Women and Entrepreneurship. The Construction of Social Identity: The Case of Women Entrepreneurs. London, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2018.
Contributions sur invitation et/ou rapports techniques
- Orser, B., Elliott, C., Elam, A., Brush, C. and Shankar, A. 2023. "Gender-Smart Entrepreneurship Education and Training (2.0)", Access at
- Thomas, M., Gregson, G. and Orser, B. 2022. "Gender-smart Entrepreneurship Education & Training Plus (GEET+) Action Strategy", Access at:
- Al-Dajani, H., Bennett, D., Orser, B., Rambo, K. and Thomas, M. 2020. "Advancing Enterprise Education for Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics among MENA Countries", September, Access at
- Nefesh-Clarke, L., Orser, B.J. and Thomas, M. 2020. "COVID-19 Response Strategies, Addressing Digital Gender Divides", October, Access at
- Orser, B. and Riding, A.L. 2020. "Financial Knowledge & Financial Confidence — Closing Gender Gaps in Financing Canadian Small Businesses", March, Access at
- Orser, B. and Elliott, C. 2020. "Gender-Smart Entrepreneurship Education & Training Plus (GEET+)", June, 37 Pages, Access at
- Orser, B., Elliott, C. and Cukier, W. 2019. "Strengthening Ecosystem Supports for Women Entrepreneurs", Telfer Centre for Executive Leadership in collaboration with Ryerson Diversity Institute. Access at
- Orser, B., Riding, A.L. and Liao, D. 2018. "Action strategy to increase diversity of SME suppliers, Ottawa: Telfer School of Management", conducted in collaboration with Public Services and Procurement Canada. Access at
- Riding, A.L., Orser, B. and Liao, D. 2018. "Benchmarking Small and Medium Enterprises as Suppliers to the Government of Canada - Inclusion, Innovation and International Trade", Management in collaboration with Public Services and Procurement Canada. Access at
- Riding, A.L. and Orser, B. 2018. "Strengthening Financial Knowledge Among Canadian Entrepreneurs", in collaboration with The Business Development Bank of Canada.
Autres contributions
- (Book review) Orser, B. 2020. "FEMINISM: A Key Idea for Business and Society". Access at
Recherche subventionnée au cours des 7 dernières années
De-À | Source | Titre | * | ** | Rôle | Montant |
2022-2024 | IRSC | The Life-Threatening Illness National Group (LifTING) Research Training Platform | R | C | Co-A | $ 2,399,711 |
2020-2022 | Enterprise Holdings Foundation | Entrepreneurial Feminism Project ($5,000 per annum for 3 years) | O | F | PI | $ 15,000 |
2020-2021 | SSHRC | Gender-smart Entrepreneurship Education & Training Plus | R | C | PI | $ 99,659 |
2018-2020 | SSHRC Partnership Grant | Financial literacy and Canadian business owners | R | C | Co-I | $ 24,900 |
2018-2019 | Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Inclusive Innovation (I2) Action Strategy in collaboration with Ryerson Diversity Institute | C | G | PI | $ 224,900 |
2018-2019 | SSHRC Insight Grant | Overconfidence in financial decisions among self-employed Canadian | R | C | Co-I | $ 34,000 |
2018-2019 | SSHRC Partnership Grant | Federal SME Procurement, in collaboration with Public Services and Procurement Canada | R | C | PI | $ 24,900 |
2017-2020 | Status of Women Canada | Empowering Women Leaders in Health: Health Care, Health Sciences & Indigenous Health | S | O | Co-I | $ 400,000 |
2017-2018 | SSHRC Partnership Grant | Partnership Engage Grant, Financial literacy and Canadian Business Owners in collaboration with The Business Development Bank of Canada | R | C | Co-I | $ 24,900 |
2014-2018 | SSHRC Insight Grant | Financing and the Growth of SMEs | R | C | Co-I | $ 82,070 |
* But
C: Contrat de recherche | E: Subvention d'équipement | R : Subvention de recherche | S : Fonds de soutien | P : Subvention pédagogique | O : Autre | U : Inconnu
C : Conseils subventionnaires | G : Gouvernements | F : Fondations | I : Financement interne UO | O : Autre | U : Inconnu
PI = Chercheur(e) principal(e) | Co-I = Co-chercheur(e) | Co-PI = Co-Chercheur(e) principal(e)