What is your resumé IQ? Discover if your resumé helps or impairs your job search

by Mariette Nolaki
4th-Year Student in Management
We can all agree that our first impression on a recruiter can be decisive. We look for a job, find an interesting posting, and boom, we apply, often without knowing if our resumé will help or impair our results. But what if we were making mistakes without realizing it…
To discover if your resumé IQ is optimal – and maximize your chances to land a job – follow the three next steps before you submit your next application!
Update your content
A document containing inaccurate information shows a lack of interest for the position, which negatively impacts the recruiter’s decision. Think about it: an old phone number or email address will instantly deter employers. Furthermore, remember that your resumé must be tailored for your coveted position. If you are looking for an entry-level, business‑analysis position, and that you only have experience as a cashier or as a city pool lifeguard, you should highlight your transferable skills. And while you’re at it, take time to eliminate all typos, which create an unflattering image.
Have your resumé reviewed by your peers or a professional
Small details make all the difference in the world, so make sure that your resumé is impeccable in terms of both form and content. To do so, reach out to an advisor. Your resumé should be easy to read, accurate and thorough. Keep in mind that recruiters can review hundreds of resumés for each posting. In a pile of unremarkable, less-than-appealing resumés, yours will stand out.
Choose the appropriate format
When it comes to resumé-building techniques, it is naturally difficult to generalize. Truth be said, there is no such thing as the perfect resumé. Submit yours to various advisors or recruiters, and you will invariably get different opinions. However, there are some rules that everyone seems to agree with. First, the content must be relevant. Recruiters need to find the information they need easily and rapidly instead of drowning in a sea of superfluous information. Secondly, the content must be presented in a logical order. Your professional experience, for example, should appear in reversed chronological order (starting with the most recent experience). Finally, make sure to have separate sections: education, professional experience, etc.
I hope these three steps will help you boost your resumé IQ. Don’t forget: your resumé acts as your “combat weapon” in the recruitment process. However, it is also a double-edged sword, as it can either help or impair your job-search efforts.
Don’t hesitate to book an appointment with a professional from the Telfer Career Centre through Career Launch to have your resumé reviewed and improve your resumé IQ.