Humans of Telfer – Magda Donia
Telfer students might recognize Magda Donia, a uOttawa Associate Professor of human resources management and organizational behaviour. Prof. Donia started her academic career by studying political science at McGill University. She later completed both her Masters and PhD at Concordia University. When asked why she chose to work at Telfer, Prof. Donia said: “I had a sense of the place I wanted to work – things [at Telfer] sort of flowed. There was a sense I can’t describe, but like a certainty that I could trust.”
Over the course of her career, she’s learned that she’s in an incredibly lucky spot – being able to do something that she loves with colleagues she deeply trusts. She has a fairly big passion for OB, and recommends that others interested in the field learn how to operate with the negatives; in her opinion, a PhD can be a long and difficult road full of rejection – but it’s worth it in the end.
– Magda Donia,
Associate Professor, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management