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Utilizing an EMBA to launch Sororal, a women-only travel and advocacy brand

People wearing colourful garments and holding hands

Megan Ryder-Burbidge, co-founder of Sororal, a women-only travel brand rooted in feminist principles, is merging her passion for travel with her commitment to advancing the perspectives of women by using her Executive MBA to launch and grow the brand. The skills, confidence, and network she gained during her EMBA have been transformative to Megan’s journey with Sororal 

Megan Ryder-Burbridge, Co-founder of Sororel sitting on a stool

Sororal’s genesis 

Sororal was co-founded by Megan and her friend Lindsey during the pandemic. Both were on the board of a local grassroots anti-violence organization and emergency shelter in Lanark County. Their shared passion for travel, advocacy and the elimination of violence against women led to the idea of a women-only travel company and the creation of Sororal. Megan shares, “For us at Sororal, ‘breaking new ground’ in the travel industry isn’t just about exploring new or unique travel destinations but also about challenging the current norms in the industry and leading with innovation and out-of-the-box ways to improve it. As women, we’re uniquely positioned at the forefront, where we can turn these obstacles into opportunities. For us, it comes down to making journeys matter, ensuring sustainability, and advocacy for equality”.  

 The company’s mission is to prioritize women-only travel that focuses on safety, education, and economic security for women in hospitality and tourism spaces globally. Through consultation and collaboration with women-owned and led businesses, as well as non-profit organizations in destinations such as Kenya, Costa Rica, and Morocco, to name a few, Sororal is disrupting existing standards for equality and independence for women in tourism. With mindful cultural exchange, fair compensation, and local talent at the heart of its small-group travel experiences, Sororal seeks to change the conversation around what effective, equitable support looks like in tourism – and put the future of success for women directly into women’s hands. 

Female with uniformed Kenyans helping to tag a lion

The EMBA experience

Initially, Megan had no plans to start a business when she joined the Telfer Executive MBA program. However, the skills and knowledge she gained during the program are proving to be invaluable. The comprehensive curriculum covering entrepreneurship, finance, global markets, and marketing communications, equipped her with the necessary tools to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape. She emphasizes the program's role in boosting her confidence, stating, "I don't think I would have had the confidence to start this business if I hadn't done my Executive MBA." 

Challenges and overcoming them 

Starting Sororal was not without challenges. Megan says access to grant funding and navigating a new industry are significant hurdles for the company. Balancing a full-time job in public service and being a busy mom while working part-time on Sororal has also come with its own set of challenges.  

Imposter syndrome is another real challenge for Megan. Despite her lack of experience in the travel industry, her determination and the recognition from industry veterans has helped her push through. Networking, though challenging for a self-proclaimed introvert like Megan, has been crucial in building relationships and gaining industry support. Some days, being an entrepreneur is hard. REALLY hard. And I’ve learned that one of the most important aspects of this journey is to surround yourself with people who have your back and who will be honest with you when you need it.”  

Utilizing the EMBA program as an alumna 

A significant benefit of the Telfer Executive MBA program that Megan has made use of as an alumna is submitting potential projects to the program for consideration by current EMBA candidates. She highlights a summer business development project undertaken by a 2023 EMBA candidate, which focused on Sororal's global expansion. This project, which is one of six consulting projects in the EMBA curriculum, provided Sororal with a solid plan for international growth. 

Megan also stresses the value of her cohort connections, which have been instrumental in providing advice and honest feedback on her ideas and decisions for the women-only travel company. The collaborative nature of the EMBA program fostered a network of support that she continues to rely on several years after graduating from the program 

Future aspirations 

Female standing with Kenyan women in field with tree behind them

Looking ahead, Megan plans to focus on networking and connecting with other female entrepreneurs and aims to expand Sororal gradually while staying true to the company's advocacy roots. While she acknowledges that it’s ‘challenging (and lonely) to be a feminist company working to move beyond platitudes and putting principles into practice’, Sororal is committed to partnering with companies that feel the same way.   

Megan aims to further expand a network of like-minded businesses interested in sponsoring survivors of gender-based violence and/or advocates who work in this space, on a Sororal trip of their dreams. She indicates that, this is more than a well-deserved vacation, it is also an opportunity to create women-only travel that is a safe space of solidarity and support for other women. Our hope is that by doing this, we turn dreams into reality, healing into action, and advocacy into lasting change.” 

About the Author

Jennifer Hyland est chargée de promouvoir les relations du programme de MBA pour cadres avec le réseau de diplômés. Elle organise des activités de réseautage, aide à satisfaire les exigences liées aux anciens et assure la promotion de la participation des diplômés aux activités du MBA pour cadres. Parmi ses initiatives, notons le programme de recommandation du MBA pour cadres de l'École Telfer, qui vise à favoriser les discussions entre les anciens et les candidats éventuels sur l'expérience du programme. Mme Hyland agit en tant qu'agent de liaison avec l'Association des anciens du MBA pour cadres. Elle est également responsable du premier des deux voyages à l'étranger, soit à Silicon Valley, et de la préparation des activités de convocation et du forum sur le leadership. Diplômée de l'Université d'Ottawa, elle détient un baccalauréat ès arts avec spécialisation en anglais et mineure en arts de la scène, de même qu'un baccalauréat en éducation.<br/><br/>Jennifer’s role is to establish and to maintain the Executive MBA Program’s relationship with its alumni by way of building networking opportunities, supporting employment search, promoting participation of alumni, managing the alumni database, maintaining communications with alumni, assisting in planning and implementing alumni activities, as well as supporting the fundraising efforts for the Telfer Executive MBA Initiative Fund. Her other duties include supporting the Director on special projects, managing the convocation and overseeing the Telfer Executive MBA Referral Program. A graduate of the University of Ottawa, Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in English and a minor in Theatre Arts as well as a Bachelor of Education.

Profile Photo of Jennifer Hyland