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Looking for immediate career impact? Applied learning through an EMBA guarantees results

Group of executives working through a problem by going through post-it notes on a board

For 32 years, the Telfer Executive MBA program has excelled in applied learning, going beyond textbooks to deliver immediate career impact. By combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on application, the program equips candidates with essential business concepts and frameworks, offering numerous opportunities to apply them in real business scenarios. EMBA alumni Mark Taylor, Shelly Arora, and Steve Dawe illustrate the significant career benefits that have resulted from applied learning through the EMBA program.

Immediate benefits of applied learning in your job 

Photo of Mark Taylor

Integrating theoretical concepts with real-world scenarios helps professionals not only grasp the theory but also apply it directly to their jobs. Mark Taylor explains, “You learn a concept in class one day and try it in a work situation the next. Then, you come back to class and share what worked and what didn’t.” He recalls applying classroom frameworks to a management planning retreat and received feedback from his professor and classmates on his outcomes. Having this feedback loop accelerated my learning process. Receiving this guidance enhanced my problem-solving abilities which has been an asset in my professional growth,” Mark adds. 

Shelly Arora describes her EMBA experience as an “exciting journey of discovery, far beyond earning a degree.” Through the six consulting projects in the program, she tackled real business challenges by implementing concepts she was learning in class. This, she says, gave her the confidence to apply these insights and concepts in her job, leading her to professional growth and career advancement. “Practicing academic concepts in real business situations broadened my skill set and positioned me for greater leadership responsibilities,” Shelly says. 

Steve Dawe highlights how the program transformed his confidence and problem-solving abilities at work. “What we were learning in class often mirrored issues I was facing in my own organization, allowing me to test and validate ideas in a practical context.” He says the program served as a “giant brainstorming board,” providing a safe space for discussing real issues and potential solutions He underscores the benefit of the weekly format of the Telfer Executive MBA program saying it allows for the integration of learning directly into your professional work, resulting in continuous improvement in your job. 

Applied learning enhances long-term learning 

Mark notes that many EMBA candidates use tools and strategies in their jobs without fully understanding the underlying principles. “By taking theoretical concepts and applying them to real situations, the EMBA program helps you unpack the ‘why,’ leading to better use of business tools for more successful outcomes. This practical approach not only connects concepts to reality but also fills gaps in learning. 

Steve adds, “I can temporarily memorize things, but applying a concept in a real business scenario anchors it for me long term.” He feels a benefit of the Telfer Executive MBA program is that the learning continues after each class through conversations with EMBA teammates and applying concepts at work so it is much easier to remember what you learned one week and be able to add on to it the next.” Steve says he knows he has achieved long-term retention from the program’s applied learning format because he continues to use EMBA concepts daily in his job. 

Applied Learning at Work 

Mark recalls applying classroom concepts from the very first week of the EMBA program to his work. In the Leadership Skills course, he learned to identify and navigate dual agendas (formal and personality-driven) in meetings and to form teams based on skills and personality fit. He applied these insights at work, transforming his team's dynamics and productivity.  

Photo of Shelly Arora

Similarly, Shelly emphasizes the importance of understanding people’s motivations and perspectives. She recalls using leadership class techniques to navigate a tough conversation with a team member. By actively listening and providing constructive feedback, Shelly maintained professionalism and empathy. This experience highlighted the practical value of her EMBA education and strengthened her belief in effective leadership. As a result, she has become better at leading discussions and engaging stakeholders, fostering a more collaborative and inclusive team environment. 

Steve recalls a class discussion on organizational behavior during a significant restructuring in his organization. “Prior to implementing a change, it’s important to think about the potential roadblocks, issues and resistance that could be encountered by employees. If you don’t do the change management piece correctly, there is a high risk the change will fail or face significant issues.” Applying change management principles he learned in class, he implemented adjustments within his team, resulting in positive results and demonstrating for him the tangible benefits of applied learning. 

Career advancement through applied learning 

Mark emphasizes how the EMBA prepared him for leadership roles. With no prior undergraduate degree, the applied nature of the EMBA program bridged a gap for him. He adds, my organization sponsored me to do the program and the fact that I could apply what I was learning to my work right away allowed them to see the return on their investment immediately.” 

Shelly’s immediate application of learning led to recognition and promotion to a senior position. “The EMBA's emphasis on applied learning accelerated my career trajectory and significantly boosted organizational outcomes,” she says. 

Photo of Steve Dawe

Steve finds his approach to leadership and decision-making has shifted significantly since doing the program. His confidence to offer solutions improved his professional interactions and influenced a job interview positively, ultimately securing his current role. 

The Telfer Executive MBA program’s applied learning approach provides immediate and significant benefits. By applying classroom concepts to workplace challenges in real-time and receiving continuous feedback, the program solidifies long-term learning and transforms candidates into confident, strategic, and empathetic leaders.  

About the Author

Jennifer Hyland est chargée de promouvoir les relations du programme de MBA pour cadres avec le réseau de diplômés. Elle organise des activités de réseautage, aide à satisfaire les exigences liées aux anciens et assure la promotion de la participation des diplômés aux activités du MBA pour cadres. Parmi ses initiatives, notons le programme de recommandation du MBA pour cadres de l'École Telfer, qui vise à favoriser les discussions entre les anciens et les candidats éventuels sur l'expérience du programme. Mme Hyland agit en tant qu'agent de liaison avec l'Association des anciens du MBA pour cadres. Elle est également responsable du premier des deux voyages à l'étranger, soit à Silicon Valley, et de la préparation des activités de convocation et du forum sur le leadership. Diplômée de l'Université d'Ottawa, elle détient un baccalauréat ès arts avec spécialisation en anglais et mineure en arts de la scène, de même qu'un baccalauréat en éducation.<br/><br/>Jennifer’s role is to establish and to maintain the Executive MBA Program’s relationship with its alumni by way of building networking opportunities, supporting employment search, promoting participation of alumni, managing the alumni database, maintaining communications with alumni, assisting in planning and implementing alumni activities, as well as supporting the fundraising efforts for the Telfer Executive MBA Initiative Fund. Her other duties include supporting the Director on special projects, managing the convocation and overseeing the Telfer Executive MBA Referral Program. A graduate of the University of Ottawa, Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in English and a minor in Theatre Arts as well as a Bachelor of Education.

Profile Photo of Jennifer Hyland