Humans of Telfer – Meredith
Meredith Silverman is a 4th-year accounting student at Telfer as well as a returning Career Centre Ambassador. In her Humans of Telfer interview, she shares her experiences as both an Ambassador and a CO-OP student.
Q. What is your favourite Telfer memory?
A. My favourite Telfer memory has been working as a Career Centre Ambassador. I enjoy writing various career blogs because I learn something new every time while helping students with their own career journeys. The Humans of Telfer series also remains a highlight each term, as I love hearing different experiences from every Telfer student I interview.
Q. Why did you decide to participate in CO-OP and how has it impacted your academic goals/career goals?
A. I decided to participate in the CO-OP program because it is a great way to get relevant work experience. Regardless of your specialty at Telfer or at any other faculty, the best way to learn is by putting theory into practice. I highly recommend this option to every student. The program has allowed me to land multiple positions at a public accounting firm in both tax and assurance, which enabled me to apply the foundational accounting theories I have learned through Telfer courses while continuing to expand my knowledge.
Q. What are your plans postgrad?
A. Postgrad, I am looking forward to using all the knowledge that I have acquired during my time at Telfer towards obtaining my CPA designation. Every course at Telfer that I have taken and will be taking in my final year will have contributed to this journey. The CPA designation will allow me to practice as a Chartered Professional Accountant either for a public accounting firm or the government.
– Meredith Silverman, 4th-year Accounting student and Career Centre Ambassador
Inspired by Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York, this weekly feature of the Telfer Career Blog will contain photography of individuals from the Telfer School of Management community and a corresponding narrative that gives us a glimpse into their lives.