Three Smart Tips to Reconcile Work and School
by Sekou Dabo
4th Year Student in Business Technology Management
Finding the right balance between work and school is a common and major challenge for students. Let me share with you my three tips to achieve it.
1. Learn to manage your time well.
This skill is absolutely crucial, as it gives you more time to devote to your hobbies. A smart piece of advice: get started on your assignments a soon as possible; don’t wait until the last minute. By planning for a specific amount of time for each activity (your studies, job, sleep, hobbies, etc.), you will be able to quantify the exact number of hours that you’re effectively dedicating to each. Naturally, effective time management requires a lot of discipline.
2. Stop before you reach exhaustion.
Exhaustion causes a lot of stress and affects a vast proportion of students. Why? Because we want to get the best grades, take as many courses as possible in one semester, work to make ends meet, maintain a rich social life, etc., all at the same time. By combining all these pursuits, students inevitably become exhausted. To avoid such a situation, I advise you to revisit your priorities and to make choices. You’ll then be able to eliminate the excess from your schedule and to focus on what really matters. In the end, the most important is to keep time for yourself and to know how to kick back and relax… often!
3. Remain focused on your objectives.
To stay motivated in the pursuit of your objectives, it is crucial that you keep your goals in sight. Taking stock of your objectives will allow you to spend more time and energy on things that bring you value. A good incentive to stay motivated throughout your studies is to work to cover your tuition fees, as far as this is possible, because you’ll then take your studies very seriously.