Humans of Telfer - Sandy Nadugala
“After attending Telfer’s open house and watching a panel of older students talk about their experiences, I was struck by how some students had managed to make so much out of just four years. I made my decision to come to Telfer the second I walked out of that room. However, something I didn’t expect to feel in my first month of university was isolation. Since I come from Ottawa, I didn’t feel the initial pressure to build connections with the people in my program, but since I didn’t force myself to make friends, I found myself feeling alone. It has been difficult, but I’ve made an effort to get out there and talk to people, and I think I’m on my way to finding a good balance. One step I took was applying to the Women in Management Network as a first year representative. I hope that by the end of these next four years I leave Telfer with a better understanding of myself and my abilities. I am aiming to take advantage of as many opportunities as I possibly can in order to make the most of my time here and would recommend anyone in their first year to do the same!”
Sandy Nadugala
1st-Year Management Student