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Humans of Telfer – Noah

Picture of Noah

“I think that in order to get the most out of the 4 years at Telfer and to be as ready as you can by the time of graduation, you should always stay involved and be able to prioritize well. Having multiple activities and responsibilities at once can be overwhelming, and it can be difficult to determine what to focus on first.

My advice is that you should always give higher priority to the things that will help you achieve your goals and can benefit you in the long-term. I always like to keep myself engaged in activities that can help me reach my objectives. So make sure to join in at Telfer and to prioritize.”

– Noah De Abreu
4th-year Business Technology Management (BTM) student
Vice President of Events at Telfer MISA

Inspired by Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York, this weekly feature of the Telfer Career Blog will contain photography of individuals from the Telfer School of Management community and a corresponding narrative that gives us a glimpse into their lives.