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How to Nail Your Next Video Interview

Man in a dress shirt on a video call with a women

Véronique Bélinge

by Véronique Bélinge

Professional Development Coordinator

If you are looking for a job and have not yet been interviewed for a job via Zoom, Teams, Skype, or any kind of video platform, you may be part of a minority. You probably already know the basics, but we wanted to refresh your memory so that you can prepare.

1. Get your technology in working order

Make sure you have:

  • a solid internet connection;
  • fully charged batteries;
  • a working camera;
  • a functional microphone;
  • all the required apps (properly installed) as well as plugins;
  • the right camera angle;
  • a friend or family member to rehearse with!

2. Resolve logistic issues beforehand


  • clutter, embarrassing, or overly personal items in the background;
  • poor lighting;
  • background noise;
  • any source of physical discomfort;
  • clothes with jarring colours or distracting patterns;
  • social media, text or email alerts.

3. Rehearse until it becomes natural

Why not:

  • write down your talking points and your answers to anticipated questions (video interviews allow you to use notes so take advantage of it);
  • rehearse in the shower;
  • practice with a peer virtually;
  • book a mock interview on Teams with a Career Centre staff through Career Launch.

4. Prepare.

  • Write down your talking points in bullet-point form.
  • Create a list of questions for your interviewers and make sure to have space for their answers.
  • Have a cup of coffee or another beverage to help you keep from fidgeting and to make the interview slightly more convivial.

5. Embrace your mistakes.


  • No one is perfect at video interviews except robots. And you are not a robot. You are a human.
  • Mistakes are not the end of the world; it is your ability to bounce back that matters.
  • If you blow an answer, pause, take a deep breath, acknowledge that you find yourself rambling, and simply ask to restart the answer.
  • Humility, humour, and humanity are also endearing qualities.

6. Show positivity

Try to maintain:

  • a friendly demeanour and a great smile;
  • your focus on the camera (and not on your notes);
  • a conversational tone (listening is key).

7. Express gratitude

Remember to:

  • send each of your interviewers a thank you note within 24 hours after the meeting; acknowledge the time of the person who coordinated the interview;
  • reiterate your interest for the position and remind your interviewers the value you bring to the team.

About the Author

(Elle/She)<br><br>Coordonnatrice de développement professionnel au Centre des carrières de Telfer, Véronique Bélinge est titulaire d’un baccalauréat ès arts en traduction, d’un baccalauréat ès sciences sociales en études internationales et langues modernes, ainsi que d’une maîtrise ès arts en littératures et cultures du monde. Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience alliant traduction, révision, édition, rédaction publicitaire, création de contenu numérique et élaboration de messages organisationnels, elle offre aux étudiants du B.Com. et du MBA des services d’encadrement en développement de carrière et d’image de marque personnelle, depuis l’adaptation du CV jusqu’aux techniques d’entrevue en passant par LinkedIn.<br><br>Véronique Bélinge is the Professional Development Coordinator at the Telfer School of Management Career Centre. She holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts with a specialization in Translation, an Honours Bachelor of Social Sciences with a specialization in International Studies and Modern Languages as well as a Master of Arts in World Literatures and Cultures. With 20+ years of combined experience in translation, revision, copywriting, copyediting, publicity writing, digital content creation, and corporate messaging, she provides B.Com. and MBA students with personal branding and career coaching services encompassing everything from resumé tailoring to LinkedIn and interview techniques.

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