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Get Happier: How to Simplify your life for greater calm and joy

Presented by Lydia Di Francesco (MBA 2010), Wellness Consultant and Stress-Reduced Fat Loss™ Host: Anne-Marie Roy, Alumni Engagement Officer, Telfer School of Management Moderated by: Diana Kolesarova, President of the Telfer Alumni Association and Senior Content Marketing Manager at Fullscript Session Description: Are you ready to simplify your life so that you can reduce stress and overwhelm? This practical workshop will take you through various aspects of your life (boundaries with work, technology, relationships; cluttered spaces; and commitments). You will get simple, concrete action steps to take in order to simplify life in these areas. DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE FUTURE. Shape it. Those words capture where many of us stand right now: a little less sure of things than we used to be, especially about the challenges to come. The Telfer Vision for a Better Canada propels just that: we want to build a Canada that is greener, healthier, happier and wealthier for generations to come! This presentation was one of the four topics presented at the event. To view the other presentations, click on the links below: • Get Greener: Emerging Trends in sustainability for 2021 and Beyond • Get Healthier: Digital Innovation Will Enable Better Health and Healthcare for all Canadians, presented by Kara Kitts (MHA 2009), Director, Digital Innovation at The Ottawa Hospital • Get Wealthier: Building Wealth Through Entrepreneurship, presented by Stephan May (Executive MBA 2013), Managing Director, Welch Capital Partners