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2022 SSHRC Storyteller Challenge - Daniel J. Quintal-Curcic

Video by : Daniel J. Quintal-Curcic Program: PhD in Management - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Supervisor: Dr. Laurent Lapierre SSHRC funded project: Developing the Construct of Mental-Health-Supportive-Supervision (MHSS) ---- The 2022 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's (SSHRC) Storytellers Challenge asks postsecondary students to show how social sciences and humanities research is affecting our lives, our world and our future for the better. Congratulations to Telfer PhD in Management candidate, Daniel J. Quintal-Curcic, who placed as a top 25 finalist in the 2022 SSHRC Storytellers Challenge! Congratulations also to PhD in Digital Transformation & Innovation candidate, Scarlett Kelly, and MSc Health Systems student, Danielle Cruise who also participated in the challenge. All 3 students were awarded a $500 grant from the Telfer Research Office to support them. 

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