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Looking at the intersection of corporate governance, financial management and environmental sustainability: Meet new professor Syrine Sassi

Two experts looking at financial charts

Syrine Sassi joined Telfer in July as an Associate Professor of Finance. She completed her PhD at Université Paris-Est Créteil and has taught at esteemed French institutions such as the Paris School of Business and South Champagne Business School. We spoke with her to learn more about her research interests and explore her latest projects.

Why did you choose to study finance? Any personal motivation behind your interest in this area?Headshot of Syrine Sassi

My fascination with finance stems from a deep curiosity about how businesses can balance profitability with social responsibility. Growing up in a city dominated by textile companies and witnessing firsthand how this industry affected my community inspired me to explore how businesses can contribute positively to their surroundings. This personal connection fuels my passion for understanding and improving corporate behaviour.

How does your PhD training inform your current research program?  

During my PhD, I studied how competitive pressure in product markets influences corporate behaviour, often leading to unethical practices. This insight steered my research toward business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Additionally, opportunities to conduct research abroad broadened my perspective, enriched my network, and enhanced my ability to collaborate across cultures—foundational experiences that continue to shape my current research endeavours.

Do you have any new research highlights to share? Any interesting  new projects you’re excited about?

I am exploring the intricate relationship between corporate financial management and governance, focusing on how regulatory environments and product market competition influence financial decisions and drive environmental sustainability.

One of my current projects examines how corporate governance can guide businesses to reduce their ecological footprint, supporting broader environmental preservation efforts. By aligning financial strategies with sustainability goals, I aim to provide new insights that not only advance academic understanding but also inspire innovative practices in the corporate world.

How can your research influence business communities in Canada?  

My research offers practical insights that can help Canadian businesses make better financial decisions while promoting sustainability. By looking at how companies are managed and how regulations affect their actions, my work benefits a wide range of stakeholders, including business leaders, policymakers, and investors. These insights can help them make decisions that not only drive financial success but also support environmental and social well-being, contributing to a stronger and more sustainable business community in Canada.

About the Author

Haifa s’est jointe à la Direction de la recherche de Telfer en mai 2024, dans le cadre du régime travail-études. Elle est titulaire d’une maîtrise en traduction de l’Université d’État de Kent, en Ohio, et fait son doctorat en traductologie. Elle s’occupe notamment de la rédaction d’articles, de la gestion et de l’analyse de données et d’autres tâches administratives.<br/><br/>Haifa joined the Telfer Research Office in May 2024 through the work-study program. She holds an MA in Translation from Kent State University in Ohio and is working towards a PhD in Translation Studies. Her responsibilities include story writing, data management and analytics, and other administrative tasks.

Profile Photo of Haifa Ben Naji